Fitmind Academy

Choosing the Perfect Gym | What to Consider | Guide 2024

Choosing the right gym is a crucial step in ensuring whether or not you will succeed in your fitness transformation or any other type of successful and sustainable workout experience. Here are some detailed tips to help you make a wise decision.

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3 MANDATORY features that a Gym must have

1. Must be Close to Home or Work

The location of the gym is vital. A gym close to your home, workplace or place of study makes integrating exercise into your daily routine much easier and less stressful.

Proximity reduces excuses for not going and increases the frequency of your visits, making it easier and more convenient to maintain your commitment to physical activity, allowing you to create a habit.

How do you know if a gym is too far away?

If it takes you more than 40 minutes to get there it is already a clear sign that the gym is somewhat far away. Also if it takes more than 2 different types of transportation to get there is another clear sign.

My best advice is to try to get a place that is a few steps or blocks away from where you spend most of your time.

Fitness y Ejercicio

2. To have weight machines, not only Cardio

A good gym should offer a variety of equipment, including weight machines such as dumbbells, pulleys, barbells and free weights. These machines are essential for a comprehensive workout, allowing for the development and strengthening of different muscle groups, and offering the opportunity to progress and vary your exercise routine.

There are a vast majority of gyms that only have cardio machines and a couple of “multi-strength” machines that try to be all-in-one. Avoid these gyms at all costs.

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Gimnasio en buen estado

3. A Gym with a large Space

A spacious gym is another crucial aspect. A larger space means less time waiting for machines, greater availability of equipment and a less congested environment.

This not only enhances your workout experience, but also allows you to perform your exercises with greater peace of mind and concentration.

Personally, I find it helps me to be able to take pictures and videos for social media in a more relaxed way, as well as to recover between sets without feeling the pressure of other people who desperately want to use the machines.

5 Optional Features a Gym Should Have

1. Affordable Price

Although price should not be the only determining factor, it is important to choose a gym that offers good value for your needs and budget.

2. New material and equipment

Modern, well-maintained equipment can significantly improve your training experience and reduce the risk of injury.

3. Low number of people

Gimnasio con mucha gente

A gym that is too crowded can be overwhelming and reduce the quality of your workout. Strike a balance between a stimulating social environment and the ability to train without long waits.

4. Showers and Restrooms in Good Condition

The hygiene and maintenance of the facilities are a reflection of the overall quality of the fitness center. Clean and well-maintained facilities are essential for an enjoyable and healthy experience.

5. Professional Gym Personal Trainers

The presence of qualified personal trainers is invaluable, especially for beginners or people with specific training needs. A good trainer can provide guidance, motivation and a personalized training plan.

Choosing the right gym is a personal and meaningful decision. Consider these mandatory and optional features to find a space that not only fits your physical needs, but also supports your journey to a healthier, more active lifestyle.

Remember, the best gym is the one that motivates you to return day after day.

Ignacio Pacheco

Ignacio Pacheco

Bachelor of Sports Science
Personal Trainer - Fitmind Academy


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